Historical Study of States and Regimes Constitution

CES Network on the Historical Study of States and Regimes

A) Mission Statement The Network on the Historical Study of States and Regimes brings together scholars interested in questions of state formation, development, and decline; the emergence of new types of regimes; and problems of regime stability and change. It is committed to an interdisciplinary dialogue on subjects of mutual interest and presents itself as a forum for members to present interdisciplinary research in a supportive environment. The Network is committed to the principle of diversity among its members and encourages the participation of all scholars who share the members’ interest in this topic.

B) Network Membership Eligibility Prospective members should formally request membership by using the Research Network Sign-Up function available via the CES website. They may also do so by directly contacting the Chair of the Network or by establishing contact during the business meeting at the CES Annual Conference.

C) Governance Section A: Chair

1. Responsibilities: The Chair is responsible for working with the CES Director, Chair, and Network’s Executive Committee in order to facilitate the work of the Network within the larger mission of the CES. This includes managing membership, running the annual business lunch, and overseeing proposal submissions via the Network to the CES Annual Conference. The Chair may appoint a Programming Chair to assist with the conference submission consideration process. The Chair may also undertake new initiatives in consultation with the Executive Committee.

2. Term and Accession: The Chair will serve a two-year term. The Chair will accede to the post after first serving as Vice-Chair for a two-year period. Terms begin with formal installation during the Network’s annual business lunch. Section

B: Vice-Chair

1. Responsibilities: The Vice-Chair assists the Chair as needed. The Vice-Chair will also chair the annual business meeting if the Chair is unable to attend.

2. Term and Election: The Vice-Chair serves a two-year term and subsequently accedes to the post of Chair. The Vice-Chair must be a current member of the Network and be in good standing. The sitting Chair will solicit nominations from the Network’s Executive Committee for the next Vice-Chair during the second year of his/her term. The Network’s Executive Committee will then vote for all those nominated using an instant-runoff voting system. Network Executive Committee members will individually rank all nominated candidates in ascending order (e.g. from first to last preference) and return their ballots to the Chair. Votes are distributed based on each elector’s first preference. If a candidate secures more than half of the votes, he/she is considered elected by majority vote. Otherwise, the candidate with the fewest first preference votes is eliminated, and ballots cast for the eliminated candidate are recounted and assigned to the remaining candidates who rank next in the order of preference on each ballot. This process continues until one candidate wins by obtaining more than half of the votes. The vote of the Network Executive Committee must be ratified by a majority of the members present at the next annual business lunch.

Section C: Network Executive Committee

1. Term and selection: The Network Executive Committee is composed of 9 members of the Network who are in good standing. These members serve three-year terms, and one-third of them rotate off every three years during the annual business meeting. At that time, three new members appointed by the sitting Chair join the Network Executive Committee.

2. Responsibilities: The primary function of the Network Executive Committee is the selection of the Vice-Chair as described above. It also serves as an advisory and sounding board for the Chair and should be consulted about any new initiatives undertaken by the Chair.

Section D: Treasurer

1. The Treasurer is responsible for managing the finances of the Research Network, and to liaise accordingly with the Network Chair and the CES administration.

2. Tenure: the Treasurer holds office for a term of two years, renewable. The Treasurer will be elected in alternative years than the Chair-Elect.

3. Election: during his or her first year of tenure, the Chair solicits candidacies for the post of Treasurer from the members of the Research Network. Should several candidates present themselves, the Treasurer is elected by the Executive Committee by means of an email vote. Each member of the Executive Committee is entitled to one vote, and the candidate with the highest number of votes is elected to the post. In case of parity between one or more candidates, the Chair casts a tie-breaking vote.

D) Amending or Altering the Bylaws

1. Proposing Changes: An amendment or alternation of the bylaws of the Network may be proposed by either the Chair, by a majority of the Network Executive Committee, or via a petition of 12 network members in good standing. Precisely worded changes should be submitted to the Chair at least two months in advance of the annual business lunch or meeting.

2. Ratifying Changes: At the next annual business lunch or meeting, the merits of the proposed changes will be debated. A formal motion must be made, seconded, and passed by a simple majority of members present at the meeting to be put forth to a vote. The vote will be conducted electronically and remain open to all members. The amendment or alteration will be adopted if sixty percent of the members who participate in the ballot vote in favor.

E) Transitional Provisions

1. The serving Chair, Michael Bernhard, will step down during the July meeting of the Network in Paris, France in 2015. Serving Vice-Chair Marla Stone will succeed him at that time. She will then serve a normal two-year term.

2. Prior to the Paris meeting, the serving Chair will appoint the membership of an inaugural Executive Committee, three of which will serve one-year terms, three of which will serve two-year terms, and three of which will serve three-year terms.

3. Prior to the Paris meeting, the Vice-Chair will consult with the Network Executive Committee in order to identify a nominee for Vice-Chair. He/she will be submitted to the membership for approval during the annual business meeting in July 2015.

4. The bylaws will be ratified in a two-step process. They must first be approved by the CES before being submitted to the membership for consideration. The bylaws will be adopted if they secure the majority vote of all members participating in the vote.