The Political Economy and Welfare Network

To join this network, click here. Note: All Memberships in CES Research Networks are open for CES individual members in good standing.

Political economy and welfare are the key thematic areas of our network. Core topics include the study of institutions, politics and policies of industrial relations, skill formation systems, welfare regimes, social policy, and inequalities from a broad comparative perspective, combining historical with cross-national comparisons. 

This network seeks to be genuinely interdisciplinary in nature, sensitive to a variety of theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches and to bringing together both early career- and more established scholars from both sides of the Atlantic.


Network Announcements

The Political Economy and Welfare Network is organizing a series of panels in 2024 to workshop and integrate the research of underrepresented early career scholars in our field. Interested CES members should join our mailing list for more information as it becomes available.

Best Paper Prize | September 15, 2024

The Political Economy and Welfare network calls for nominations for its annual “Best Paper Prize.” The research network awards a prize each year to a paper presented in a CES panel affiliated with the network. A jury will select the best paper among the nominations. The selected paper will be published (after revisions) in the Journal of European Public Policy. The submission deadline is September 15, 2024. Authors are very much invited to revise and further improve their paper after the conference and before submission. Every member of the network is invited to (self)nominate papers, we also encourage everyone to nominate other great papers they saw at the conference. You can nominate a paper by email to Julian Garritzmann (

Past prize winners include

2023: “Minding the time gap: politicians’ perspectives on inter-temporal trade-offs in policy and politics“ by Axel Cronert, Olivier Jacques & Benjamin Ferland

2022: “Migration Levels and Welfare Support: Evidence from the Local Level” by Gianna Maria Eick and to Marius Busemeyer

2021: “Beyond Neo-corporatism: State Employers and the Special-Interest Politics of Public Sector Wage-Setting“ by Donato di Carlo

  • Honorable Mention: “The politics of the minimum wage: Explaining Introduction and Levels“ by Michal Kozák and Georg Picot

2019: “The Threat of Social Decline: Income Inequality and Radical Right Support” by Sarah Engler and David Weisstanner.

2018: “The Political Economy of High Skills: Higher Education in Knowledge-Based Labour Markets” by Niccolo Durazzi.

2017: “The Declining Middle” by Thomas Kurer

2016: “Politics, Markets and Top Income Shares” by Evelyne Huber, Jingjing Huo, and John D. Stephens.

2015: “Taxing Stock Transfers in the first golden age of finance capitalism” by Elsa Massoc

2014: “Labour Market Disadvantage, Political Orientations and Voting: How Adverse Labour Market Experiences Translate into Electoral Behaviour” by Patrick Emmenegger, Marx, Paul and Dominik Schraff:

2013: “The Power of Talk and the Welfare State: Evidence from 23 Countries on an Asymmetric Opposition-Government Response Mechanism” by Carsten Jensen and Henrik Bech Seeberg