Abstract Writing Workshop
Thursday, September 23 | 8:00-10:00 am EDT | 14:00-16:00 CET
Speakers: Hélène Ducros, the Council for European Studies and Nicholas Ostrum, Xavier University of Louisiana
Co-organized by the CES Critical European Studies Research Network
Abstract Writing for Emerging and Early-Career Europeanists:
The annual CES conference is a selective event where only the best abstracts find their way into paper sessions. Committed to widening access to the conference for voices from less represented countries, the Critical European Studies Research Network is organizing an abstract writing workshop in preparation for the 2022 conference in Lisbon. Although open to all scholars who feel the need to sharpen their abstract writing skills, we especially welcome those for whom English is not their native language.
The workshop will engage with the role the abstract is expected to fill; introduce participants to the different types of abstracts that various journals are likely to require and what CES expects in particular; discuss the components abstracts should include (and not include); share writing style tips that will strengthen an abstract; and propose key “tests” through which to run an abstract to ensure it presents the work in the most convincing and interesting way possible.
This practical workshop will take participants through the abstract writing and evaluation process to help them better understand the purpose and structure of this form of writing. Topics addressed will include:
- Components of abstracts
- Concise writing techniques
- Abstract-specific word-choice
- Editing for word-count limits
Attendees should bring the abstract they intend to submit to the CES 2022 conference to work on. All attendees will be expected to fully participate in (re)writing activities, group discussions, and peer-reviewing. Abstracts will be shared with participants for peer-critique.
Read what previous attendees have to say about the workshop:
“The Abstract Writing Workshop was helpful to me because it not only included a theoretical discussion but also a practical group discussion session where we, the participants, reviewed each other’s abstracts. It helped me check my progress in regard of the abstract writing learnt in the theoretical session.”
“One of the most useful parts was the introduction as how to go about writing an abstract. This developed a framework to be used by each participant making topics interesting and easy to understand. Also, interaction and breakout rooms was great in that it provided feedback from colleagues.”
“The CES abstract-writing workshop was a wonderful opportunity to get valuable feedback from other Europeanists and spark conversations and connections with colleagues who I would not have met otherwise.”
This workshop will cap at 25 participants. We encourage you to register early to secure your spot. All members of the Critical European Studies Research Network are eligible to participate. If you are not a member yet and wish to join, please click here. Please remember that you must be a CES member in good standing to join any CES Research Network.
Once fully registered for the workshop, you will receive a Zoom link for the event.
Please note: All CES Professional Development webinars are open only to CES Individual Members in good standing.