Research Network Awards & Prizes

Are you a member of one of CES’ Research Networks? You could be eligible for one of several awards and prizes being offered by our network chairs. Please note, only RN Members in good standing with active CES membership status are eligible. Nominees who are not CES members will not be considered. Keep scrolling for the full list of awards and prizes.

How to nominate:

  1. Make sure the person you are nominating is an active CES member. Individuals nominated who are not a member will not be considered
  2. Download and fill out this form.
  3. Email the completed form directly to the corresponding Research Network Chairs. Use the subject line “Nomination Form: Research Network Awards.” For contact details, click here.

Political Parties, Party Systems and Elections Research Network

Peter Mair Prize | July 27 2024

This research network welcomes nominations for its annual “Peter Mair Prize.” The network awards the prize to the best paper on Political Parties, Party Systems, and Elections presented in a CES panel affiliated with the network. A jury will select the best paper among the nominations, and the author of the selected paper will be awarded a $500 prize. The submission deadline is July 27, 2024. Every member of the network is invited to nominate or self-nominate papers. Authors are strongly encouraged to revise and improve their paper after the conference and before submission.

Considering the limited number of submissions last year, nominees from last year’s selection will be automatically considered. This does not exclude a second nomination for the same authors linked to a paper presented in Lyon. This network is strongly committed to promoting gender balance and values research by women and minority groups. We also pay attention to our members’ geographical and ethnic diversity.

The jury for the prize is composed of:  
– Bonnie Field (Bentley University)  
– José Ramón Montero (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)  
– Andrea Pirro (University of Bologne)  

How to nominate:  
1. Make sure the person you are nominating is an active CES member. Individuals nominated who are not members will not be considered.  
2. Download and fill out this form.  
3. Email the completed form directly to the corresponding Research Network Chairs. Use the subject line “Nomination Form: Research Network Awards.”

– Daniela Piccio, University of Torino,
– Guillermo Cordero, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid,
– Sorina Soare, University of Florence,

European Integration and Global Political Economy Research Network

2023 Paper Prize for Early Career Researchers | August 31 2023

EIGPE in collaboration with the journal Comparative European Politics welcomes submissions for the 2023 Paper Prize for Early Career Researchers. The winning paper will be fast-tracked for publication in Comparative European Politics, pending any required revisions after peer-review. Papers should be submitted to Dr Aneta Spendzharova ( by 31 August at the latest. For more information, visit this page.

Political Economy and Welfare Research Network

Best Paper Prize | August 31 2023

The Political Economy and Welfare network calls for nominations for its annual “Best Paper Prize.” The research network awards a prize each year to a paper presented in a CES panel affiliated with the network. A jury will select the best paper among the nominations. The selected paper will be published (after revisions) in the Journal of European Public Policy. The submission deadline is August 31. Authors are very much invited to revise and further improve their paper after the conference and before submission. Every member of the network is invited to (self)nominate papers, we also encourage everyone to nominate other great papers they saw at the conference. You can nominate a paper by email to Julian Garritzmann (