Guidelines for Proposing a New CES Research Network
Informal expressions of interest in setting up a new Research Network (RN) should be submitted to the CES Director, who will then discuss the suitability of the RN with the Membership Committee of the CES Executive Committee. If the proposed RN seems suitable, the Chair of the Membership Committee will solicit a formal proposal for the RN.
Proposals, which should be between 2-4 pages, should include:
- An intellectual rationale for the network, also as it relates to the mission of the CES
- Proposed activities of the network and how these activities will benefit both the proposed RN and CES
- Proposed membership of the network — i.e., disciplinary and professional backgrounds, career stage, location, etc.
- Proposed leadership of the network (normally 2-4 co-chairs from different disciplines and countries around the world)
- A list of potential members who have expressed interest in joining the proposed network. This could be included as an appendix, if preferred.
The Membership Committee will provide feedback on the draft of the proposal. If it approves the initial draft, it may then solicit a draft constitution, to be drawn up using the CES’ RN constitution template.
After revision to the proposal and the submission of the draft constitution, the proposal will be forwarded to the CES Executive Committee for final approval. You will then be notified whether your proposed RN has been accepted. This process usually takes 6-9 months.
The membership committee reviews RN proposals on a rolling basis. The CES Executive Committee votes on new RNs at its biannual meetings, which ordinarily take place in December and at the annual meeting of the CES in the summer.
To propose a new CES Research Network, contact CES Director, Abigail Lewis at