Pre-Dissertation Grants funded by the Society for the Anthropology of Europe (SAE)
Phoebe Whitehouse (Columbia University)
“Humanitarian Forensics and the Politics of Kinship at Ireland’s Former Mother and Baby Home”.
You can read about her work here.
Pre-Dissertation Grants funded by the Society for the Anthropology of Europe (SAE)
Giorgia Mirto (Columbia University)
“The Political Life of Border Death in South Italy”
Pre-Dissertation Grants funded by the Society for the Anthropology of Europe (SAE)
Ariana Gunderson (Indiana University, Bloomington)
“Selling Food as Text in the German Recipe Industry”
Pre-Dissertation Grants funded by the Society for the Anthropology of Europe (SAE)
Celine Eschenbrenner (Tulane University, Cultural Anthropology)
“Minority in Exile: Biological Age and the French Asylum System”
Pre-Dissertation Grants funded by the Society for the Anthropology of Europe (SAE)
Augusta Xenia Thomson (New York University, Sociocultural Anthropology)
“Sustaining Pilgrimage in the Anthropocene: Heritage Consumption on the Camino de Santiago”
Pre-Dissertation Grants funded by Alliance
Roslyn Dubler (Columbia University, History)
“Indiscriminate Integration: Britain andthe Rise of Non-Discrimination Law in Europe, 1957-1997”
Randal Grant Kleiser (Columbia University, History)
“Connected Imperial Reforms in the Post-Seven Years War Moment”
Amelia Spooner (Columbia University, History)
“Protectionism and Free Trade in Theory and Practice: The Atlantic World from Revolution to World War”
Danielle Carr (Columbia University, Anthropology)
“Political Anatomies of the Cyborg: Brain Implants as State Infrastructures, 1945-2017”
Pre-Dissertation Grants funded by the Harriman Institute
Claudia Sbuttoni (Columbia University, Italian)
“Race in the Julian March: “Italia irredenta” as colonial project”
Pre-Dissertation Grants funded by the Society for the Anthropology of Europe (SAE)
Maria Lechtarova (New York University, Sociocultural Anthropology)
“Translating Rituals of Mourning into Technologies of Exclusion: How Bulgarian Obituary Postings Appropriate Public Discourses of Identity Construction”
Pre-Dissertation Grants funded by Alliance
John Glasenapp (Columbia University, Music)
“The Beaupré Antiphoner: Liturgy, Community, and Continuity (1290-1796)”
Sabina Vaccarino Bremner (Columbia University, Philosophy)
“Foucault’s Anthropology: A New Philosophical Defense”
Shivani Radhakrishnan (Columbia University, Philosophy)
“Alienation, Ideal Theory, and Ideology Critique”
Qingfan Jiang (Columbia University, Historical Musicology)
Toward a Global Enlightenment: Missionaries, Musical Knowledge, and the Making of Encyclopedias in Eighteenth-Century France and China”
Pre-Dissertation Grants funded by the Harriman Institute
Lotte Houwink ten Cate (Columbia University, History)
“The Discovery of Rape: The Outlawing of Intimate Violence in Modern Europe, 1960-1997”
Pre-Dissertation Grants funded by the Society for the Anthropology of Europe (SAE)
Burge Abiral (Johns Hopkins/SAIS, Anthropology)
“Co-Existing with Pests and Weeds in the Anthropocene: The Ethics and Practice of Ecological Cultivation in Turkey”
Pre-Dissertation Grants funded by the Council for European Studies
Aaron Cardoso (University of California, Santa Cruz; Political Science)
“Local History and the Nativist Vote: UKIP’s Success and Failure in Small Town England”
Monica Chieffo (University of California, Los Angeles; Musicology)
“Building Sound and Composing Place on the Italian Peninsula, 1580-1630”
Pre-Dissertation Grants funded by Alliance
Jordan Katz (Columbia University; History)
“Wise Women”: Gender, Religion, Medicine and the Boundaries of Knowledge in Early Modern Europe”
Pre-Dissertation Grants funded by the Society for the Anthropology of Europe (SAE)
Kieran Kelley (University of Chicago; Anthropology)
“Living with Drugs in the Republic of Ireland”
Pre-Dissertation Grants funded by the Council for European Studies
Brian Griffith (University of California, Santa Barbara; History)
“Bringing Bacchus to the People: Viticulture, National Identity, and the Politics of Consumption in Fascist Italy, 1922-1945”
Dominika Kruszewska (Harvard University; Government)
“From the Streets to the Party Lists: Dilemmas and Strategies of Protest-born Parties”
James White (University of Alberta; History, Classics)
“Ring of Flesh: Late Medieval Devotion to the Holy Foreskin”
Pre-Dissertation Grants funded by the Harriman Institute
Hannah Elmer (Columbia University; History)
“Sites of Life: Resuscitating and Baptizing Dead Infants in Central Europe, 1400-1600”
Pre-Dissertation Grants funded by the Society for the Anthropology of Europe (SAE)
Sarah Brennan (Columbia University; International and Transcultural Studies)
“Intimate Nation: Sexuality and Asylum in the Netherlands”
Pre-Dissertation Grants funded by the Council for European Studies
Binio Binev (Georgetown University; Government)
“Democratic Institutions and the Populist Syndrome: Latin America and Post-Communist Europe in Comparative Perspective”
Salar Mohandesi (University of Pennsylvania; History)
“The Long May 68: Experiments in Political Struggle”
Carolyn Taratko (Vanderbilt University; History)
“Energy, State and Society in Nineteenth-Century Germany”
Pre-Dissertation Grants funded by the Harriman Institute
Harun Buljina (Columbia University; History)
“Balkan Junction: the Sanjak of Novi Pazar and the Collapse of the old European Order, 1878-1923”
Pre-Dissertation Grants funded by the Society for the Anthropology of Europe (SAE)
Grace Gu (New York University; Anthropology)
“Work, Migration and Crisis in Spain: Evaluating the Eurozone economic model in cultural context”
Pre-Dissertation Grants funded by the Council for European Studies
Tomasz Blusiewicz (Harvard University; History)
“Economic ideas and economic life under Stalin: The Integration of the Recovered Territories in communist Poland, 1945-1956”
Megan Brown (CUNY Graduate Center; History)
“Humanitarian Self-Interest: Pied-Noir Advocacy and the Assertion of a Dissenting Community Identity”
Katlyn Carter (Princeton University; History)
“Politics and the Press: Speaking for the People in Revolutionary France and America”
Christopher Gillett (Brown University; History)
“Catholicism in Revolutionary England: Toleration, Anti-popery, and Information Systems, 1630-1673”
Zeynep Kasli (University of Washington, Seattle; Near and Middle Eastern Studies)
“Limits of Citizenship along the Borders of the States: ‘Transit’ Migrants and the ‘Locals’ of the Greek-Turkish borderland”
Pre-Dissertation Grants funded by the Society for the Anthropology of Europe (SAE)
Senem Kaptan (Rutgers University; Anthropology)
“The Making of Citizenship Through Law, Justice, and Victimhood in Turkey’s Anti-Coup Trials”
Pre-Dissertation Grants Funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Grace Allen (University of Wisconsin, Madison; History)
“Creating Consumers: Salons and the Development of a Mass Consumer Society in Postwar France”
Andrew Cashner (University of Chicago; Music)
“Hearing, Faith, and the Power of Music in Hispanic Villancicos, 1600-1700”
Borislav Chernov (American University; History)
“‘The Future Depends of Brest-Litovsk’: War, Peace, and Revolution in Central and Eastern Europe, 1917-1918”
Caitlin Fox-Hodess (University of California, Berkeley; Sociology)
“Strategies for Building Structural Power in the 21st Century European Port Industry: A Comparative Study of the IDC and the ITF”
Jane Freeland (Carleton University; History)
“Domestic Violence in Divided Germany, 1969-1990”
James Graham (Columbia University; Architecture)
“The Psychotechnical Architect: Modernism’s Laboratory Cultures, 1914-1946”
Sarah Griswold (New York University; French Studies)
“A culture of peace? Forging French cultural diplomacy abroad, 1919-1939”
Carla Heelan (Harvard University; History)
“Medievalism and the Making of Modern Germany, 1815-1914”
Aaron Kahn (University of Wisconsin, Madison; History)
“Benevolent Nationalism: The Cultural Origins of Postwar Swedish Identity”
Soo-Young Kim (Columbia University; Anthropology)
“Soothsaying These Days: Forecasting the Economy in Greece”
Amy Limoncelli (Boston College; History)
“Redefining a Role: The British in the United Nations, 1945-1970”
Aleksandar Matovski (Cornell University; Government)
“Popular Dictators: The Attitudinal Roots of Electoral Authoritarianism”
Fabio Mattioli (CUNY Graduate Center; Anthropology)
“Desiring the Private: New regulations of production and the transformation of post-socialist urban spaces in Skopje, Macedonia”
Anndal Narayanan (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; History)
“Home from the Djebel: Veterans of Algeria in French society, 1954-1999”
Nicholas Ostrum (SUNY Stony Brook; History)
“Oil, Germany, and the Global Economy, 1940-1973”
R. Joseph Parrott (University of Texas, Austin; History)
“Postponing the Wind of Change: The Global Politics of Portuguese Decolonization”
Ryan Patrico (Yale University; History)
“The Catholic Religious Women of Lutheran Württemberg, 1534-1609”
Javier Samper Vendrell (University of Wisconsin, Madison; History)
“Germany’s Future Citizens: Youth, Gender, and Sexuality during the Weimar Republic”
Jonathan Sherry (University of Pittsburgh; History)
“A Moscow Trial in Barcelona? Soviet Communism, the Spanish Civil War, and the P.O.U.M. Prosecution in the Cold War Mind”
Lauren Stokes (University of Chicago; History)
“The Migrating Mind: Entwurzelung and Mental Illness in the Twentieth Century”
Katrina Uhly (Northeastern University; Sociology & Anthropology)
“Reconstituting Portals and Power Relations: The Internationalization of l’Ecole polytechnique”
Pre-Dissertation Grant Funded by the Society for the Anthropology of Europe
Laura LeVon (State University of New York at Buffalo; Anthropology)
“Being Orange after the Troubles: Constructing and Commemorating Identity in the Aftermath of Violence”
Pre-Dissertation Grants Funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Julia Ault (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; History)
“A Different Shade of Green: Environmental Activism under Communism, 1980-1990”
Robert Braun (Cornell University; Government)
“Social Integration and Solidarity: Evidence from the Holocaust”
Mara Caden (Yale University; History)
“Making Imperial Capitalism: The Politics of Manufacturing in the British Empire, 1660-1760”
Emily Cersonsky (Columbia University; English & Comparative Literature)
“Inimical Languages: Conflicts of Internal Translation in British Modernist Literature”
Alexandra Cirone (Columbia University; Political Science)
“Interests in the Supranational: Organized Lobbying Strategies in the EU”
Harley Davidson (University of Kansas; History)
“An Empire and Its Forests: Forest Management in Andalusia, 1560-1600”
Matthew Franke (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Music)
“The Impact of French Opera in Milan, 1880-1908”
Laura Hohman (Catholic University of America; History)
“Carolingian Sermons: Religious Reform, Pastoral Care, and Lay Piety”
Catherine Homan (Emory University; Philosophy)“The Ludic Turn in Twentieth Century Philosophy”
Catherine Hughes (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Music)
“National and Cosmopolitan Identities for a Capital City: Musical Culture in Brussels, 1880-1930”
Casiana Ionita (Columbia University; French & Romance Philology)
“How to Be a Good Spectator: Cinema and Pedagogy in France (1912-1930)”
Biorn Ivemark (University of British Columbia; Sociology)
“Making Black France: Assimilation and identity-construction among Antillean and African immigrants in Paris”
Johanna Lenkner (New York University; Anthropology)
“Producing Legal Exclusion: Envisioning the Problem of Immigration through Statistical Representation, a Case Study of Moroccan Immigrants in Barcelona”
Lisa Maguire (American University; History)
“The Pan-French Mediterranean: A Comparative Study of French Colonialism in Morocco and Syria/Lebanon”
Matthew Maguire (Boston University; Political Science)
“The Political Economy of Corporate Social Responsibility and Private Policymaking in Europe”
Michelle Maydanchik (University of Chicago; Art History)
“Creative Disruption: Performance Art in Postwar Moscow”
Megan McCarthy (Columbia University; Art History & Archeology)
“The Empire on Display: Exhibitions of German Art in America, 1897-1914”
Anthony Minnema (University of Tennessee, Knoxville; History)
“Banned at Paris: The Medieval European Readers of al-Ghazali, 1200-1500”
Christoph Nguyen (Northwestern University; Political Science)
“The Political Economy of Cooperation: Assessing the effects of institutional change on trust and cooperation in European Economies”
Lindsay Pettingill (Georgetown University; Government)
“In your (planner’s) dreams: Estimating the effects of the local built environment and residential sorting on civic and political behaviors”
Matthew Robinson (Northwestern University; Religious Studies)
“Schleiermacher on the Question of Theology and the Study of Religion”
Ayelet Rosen (New York University; History and Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies)
“The Consolidation of Ottoman Power in Bosnia, 1463-1580”
Sarah Zarrow (New York University; History & Judaic Studies)
“Into the Shtetl: 20th-Century Jewish Ethnography in Galicia”
Pre-Dissertation Grant Funded by the Luso-American Development Foundation
Benjamin Breen (University of Texas, Austin; History)
“Stocking Europe’s Medicine Cabinet: The Portuguese Empire and the Origins of the Global Drug Trade, 1640-1750”
Pre-Dissertation Grant Funded by the Society for the Anthropology of Europe
Tyler Boersen (New School for Social Research; Anthropology)
“Visible Labor: The Making of a Precarious Workers Movement in Greece”
Pre-Dissertation Grants Funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Ozan E. Aksoy (CUNY Graduate Center; Music)
“Music of the Kurdish Alevi Diaspora in Germany: Struggling with and for Multiple Identities”
Elizabeth Andrews (University of California, Irvine; History)
“Charity and Bienfaisance in an age of Transition: 1760-1789″
Matthew Crotty (University of California, San Diego; History)
“Sport and the Making of Modern Germany: Politics and Football Supporter Identity in Hamburg, 1880-1989”
Jonathan DeCoster (Brandeis University; American History)
“Intimate Enemies: Native Rivalry and Imperial Competition in the Colonial Southeast, 1564-1614”
Elisabeth Fink (New York University; History and French Studies)
“Elections and Empire: Voting in French West Africa, 1945-1960”
Erin Glunt (Yale University; History & Renaissance Studies)
“Reform, Reformation, and Exorcism: Crisis in a Sixteenth-Century French Convent”
Shaun Jacob Halper (University of California, Berkeley; History)
“Jews in the Age of Homosexual Emancipation: 1897-1948”
Melissa Lo (Harvard University; History of Science)
“Making Progress: Bernard le Bovier Fontenelle and the Language of the Académie royale des sciences, 1699-1740”
Zeynep Ozgen(University of California, Los Angeles; Sociology)
“In Search of a Synthesis: Islamism’s bid for everyday life”
Terrence Gordon Peterson (University of Wisconsin, Madison; History)
“The French War for Muslim Bodies: Gender and Legitimacy in the Algerian War (1954-1962)”
Stefan Peychev (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; History)
“Public Baths and Urban Space: The Case of Ottoman Sofia”
Naomi Pitamber (University of California, Los Angeles; Art History)
“Re-Placing Byzantium: Laskarid Urban Environments and the Landscape of Loss (A.D. 1204-1261)”
Monika Rice (Brandeis University; Near Eastern & Judaic Studies)
“‘Are You Still Alive?’ First Encounters of Jewish Survivors with Their Former Polish Neighbors in Post-War Accounts”
Adair Rispoli (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; English & Comparative Literature)
“The Counter-Anatomy of the Romantic Body”
Daphne Claire Rozenblatt (University of California, Los Angeles; History)
“Before Mind and Society: A Biopsychological Study of Italy, 1871-1935”
Stephanie Stillo (University of Kansas; History)
“Forging Imperial Cities: Seville and the Formation of Civic Order in the Spanish World”
Pier Domenico Tortola (University of Oxford; Politics & International Relations)
“Federalism, the Purse and the State: Explaining Spending Institutions in the European Union and in the United States”
Laura Vares (Brown University; Anthropology)
“Growing Younger: Subjectivity, Space, and Adult Italian Women in the Middle”
Susan M. Wager (Columbia University; Art History)
“Madame de Pompadour’s Indiscreet Jewels: Reproduction, Luxury Consumption, and the Construction of Self in Eighteenth-Century France”
Rebecca Aust Wall (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor; History)
“Confrontations with Modernity: The Jews of M’Zab, Algeria, 1945-1982”
Pre-Dissertation Grant Funded by the Luso-American Development Foundation
Sara Victoria Torres (University of California, Los Angeles; English)
“Genealogical Narratives and Romance in Late Medieval England, Portugal, and Castile” Pre-Dissertation Grant Funded by the Society for the Anthropology of Europe
Eddie L. Huffman (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Anthropology)
“‘Take a Taxi Tour’: Memory and Materiality in Post-Conflict Tourism in Belfast, Northern Ireland”
Pre-Dissertation Grants Funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Minou Arjomand (Columbia University; English & Comparative Literature)
“The Final Trumpet: Opera and the Politics of Redemption”
John Boy (CUNY Graduate Center; Sociology)
“Churching Postmoderns: Evangelical Missionaries and Religious Change in Europe”
Sean Curran (University of California, Berkeley; Music)
“The Motets of the ‘La Clayette’ Manuscript and the Pious Possibilities of Thirteenth-Century Polyphony”
Jocelyn Dautel (University of Chicago; Psychology)
“Development of children’s early reasoning about Catholic and Protestant group members in Northern Ireland”
Aidan Forth (Stanford University; History)
“The Concentration Camp: Violence and Humanitarianism in the British Empire, 1830-1980”
Elizabeth Hanaeuer (New York University; Humanities & Social Sciences)
“Collective Identity Formation in the French Classroom: The discourse and incorporation of immigration history”
Katie Jarvis (University of Wisconsin, Madison; History)
“Crafting a Revolutionary Identity: The Dames des Halles and Political Activism during the French Revolution”
Anna Kolchinsky (Boston College; History)
“Tuberculosis in Germany 1900-1949: Science, Statism, and Social Hygiene”
Alexandra Lohse (American University; History)
“Total War: Endurance and Defeat in Nazi Germany, 1943 to 1945”
Martin Repinecz (Duke University; Romance Studies)
“‘Shipwrecked in the Ocean of Memories’: Migration and Postcolonialism in Contemporary Spain”
Amy Samuelson (University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee; Anthropology)
“Global Environmentalism and the Black Sea: Sustainable Development in Postsocialist Romania”
Gene Tempest (Yale University; History)
“Humane War: The Horses of the Western Front, 1914-1920”
Chloe Thurston (University of California, Berkeley; Political Science)
“Drifting Towards Non-Standard Employment?: The politics of employment regulation and social policy in Western Europe”
Tara Tubb (University of California, Santa Barbara; History)
“Mastering the Stasi Past: The Preservation of the Stasi Personnel Files”
Galina Zapryanova (University of Pittsburgh; Political Science)
“Populists, Eurosceptics or Both? Explaining the Sources of Protest Politics in the New EU Member States”
Pre-Dissertation Grant Funded by the Luso-American Development Foundation
Brigette Smith (University of Virginia; History)
“Law and Diversity in Tangier (1640-1684)”
Pre-Dissertation Grant Funded by the Society for the Anthropology of Europe
Lindsey West (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Anthropology)
“Who Counts? Birth and Citizenship Experiences of Migrant Women in Geneva”