Twenty-Eighth International Conference of Europeanists
The Environment of Democracy
Virtual: June 20-22, 2022 | In-Person: June 29-July 1, 2022
Virtual Conference Observer
If you are not on the official program and would like to explore the online component of the International Conference of Europeanists, you may wish to register for $50 as a virtual conference observer.
As an online observer, you will be able to audit all of our great virtual session line-ups scheduled for the week of June 20-22 and listen to from your computer to our keynote speakers and plenary sessions that address major Europeanist research topics with a global perspective. Please note: the observer rate does not grant you virtual access to any in-person sessions aside from the June 29 and June 30 keynotes.
Lisbon Day Pass
If you are in Lisbon at the time of the conference, you may wish to register for a day pass at a rate of $95 and enjoy a great variety of panels, scholarly exchanges over coffee, keynotes, and receptions, as well as multiple networking events.
Contact to register as an observer for any component.