The Final Conference Program is available here.
The Program Highlights are available here.
Access the Conference Portal here.
***Please circulate this to any potentially interested listservs and/or research networks. Thank you!***
Dear Colleagues,
We have heard increasing concern from our members about the prospects of carrying out an in-person conference in June 2021. With infection numbers climbing, many countries are putting new restrictions in place; budget cuts and travel restrictions also make it extremely difficult for many people to imagine flying to Iceland next summer. It is still unclear how long this situation will last and when a vaccine might become widely available, and the health and safety of our conference attendees is our top priority.
Given these uncertainties, and in close consultation with the Program Committee and the Local Organizing Committee, the CES Executive Committee has decided to move the 2021 event fully online.
CES invites proposals for panels, roundtables, book discussions, and individual papers on the study of Europe, including its various expansions and contractions over CES’ fifty-year history. We encourage proposals in the widest range of disciplines, and particularly welcome panels that combine disciplines, nationalities, genders, scholarly career stages, and other pertinent identities.
Our goal is to put together a conference that is intellectually rich, community-oriented, and inclusive for all. We hope that delivering the event in a digital format will encourage proposals from many who hesitated to commit to in-person panels. We have extended the submission deadline by three weeks, to November 16, so that everyone has an opportunity to finalize their panel and paper submissions. Note: There will not be another deadline extension this year.
All proposals may be submitted by 11:59 AM EST, November 16, 2020. Note: This is the final deadline. There will not be a deadline extension this year. Applicants whose proposals were accepted for the (canceled) 2020 conference will be given priority in the selection process; however, we kindly request that you resubmit your paper/panel on the 2021 submission portal. We also welcome new submissions, and we strongly encourage full panel submissions.