Gift Membership

Gift Membership

Because this year has been full of stresses and uncertainties that have had profound professional repercussions for many among us, CES has been working hard to develop innovative ways to support our colleagues and students. We are proud to announce a new initiative that invites scholars to support annual membership dues for doctoral students and early-career researchers.

Student memberships are only $50, and postdoctoral memberships are $65. If you are able to sponsor a postdoctoral student or early-career researcher, please fill out the form below. You may submit the name(s) of a specific person(s), or simply ask us to find someone who would benefit from your support. We believe this (US) tax-deductible opportunity to give will not only ease the financial hardship faced by graduate students and early-career scholars, but will provide a way for more established members to help others in this challenging time.

Upon submitting this form, a confirmation page will display a gift code, which you will also receive via email. You will then be asked to distribute this gift code to whomever you wish to give the membership to. (Note: If you requested that CES find a scholar for you to support, you will not receive this code.)
CES thanks you for your support and generosity.

Please enter the quantity of gift memberships you would like to purchase for each membership type.
Total Amount
Name and Address