To join this network, click here. Note: All Memberships in CES Research Networks are open for CES individual members in good standing.
The main reason for setting up a Law Network at the core of the Council for European Studies is to break with an anomaly: being the main and most important global organization for the study and research in the field of European Union studies, the absence of a Law Network was felt by many of its members. The birth of the CES Law Network puts an end to this paradox, and inaugurates a new era in the organization.
The main goals of the Law Network:
- To put together the best senior and junior scholars around the world working, and above all, doing research, in European law and in European Union-related matters.
- To serve as a forum to network and generate synergies amongst its members in fields of mutual interest.
The network is open to those lawyers, legal academics, and legal practitioners who come from both the ambit of private and public law, but who have an interest in matters related to Europe and to European Union Law. Civil lawyers, commercial lawyers, administrative lawyers, penal lawyers, public and private international lawyers, en fin, lawyers from all the different quarters in which the legal discipline is composed of, are welcome to join the Law Network. The only thing that we ask in exchange is a commitment to further the organizational ends and purposes of this institution, of CES.
The Law Network is mainly European Union-matters centered, and is global, interdisciplinary, contextual, intergenerational and gender-balanced.
- Antonio Estella de Noriega, University Carlos III of Madrid,
Vice Chairs:
- Nuno Albuquerque Matos, Universidade Católica Portuguesa,
- Victoria Koutsoupia, Democritus University of Thrace,
Featured Opportunity!
The Graduate School of Economics and Political Science at Carlos III University is launching a new Master’s Program in European Economic Governance: Law Politics and Economics, starting September 2022 through the 2022/2023 academic year. It is an interdisciplinary master, where European Economic Governance will be approached from an economic, legal, and also political science perspective. Click here for more information.