Gender & Sexuality

To join this network, click here. Note: All Memberships in CES Research Networks are open for CES individual members in good standing.

The Gender and Sexuality Research Network aims at bringing together scholars working on gender and sexuality and enhancing research around a vast range of topics regarding gender and sexuality, including agenda-setting, policy change and policy implementation, multi-level governance, gender equality, gender dynamics in elections, voting behavior, and women’s and LGBT movements. While a strong regional emphasis is put on European countries and the European Union, the research group also encourages comparative research that situate Europe or European countries in an transatlantic or international context.  The Gender and Sexuality Research Network strongly supports diversity in methods. The main goals of the Gender and Sexuality Research Group include:

  • Developing a strong network of scholars to stimulate collaborative work and joint publications
  • Encouraging panels on topics of interest to members
  • Providing a platform where members from different countries and disciplines can strengthen intellectual ties and disseminate their work.



Gender and Sexuality Research Network Early Career Conference Paper Prize

We are delighted to announce that Judith Goetz has won our Early Career Prize for her paper at the 26th International Conference of Europeanists: “Between trans*phobia and trans*chauvinism: Effects of right-wing policies, using trans* people within the Alternative für Deutschland as an example.” All of the judges thought this paper was highly original and offered a really important contribution. Congratulations Judith!