E-mail info@ces-europe.org with a paragraph synopsis of your research interests, an email link, and a website link to be included in this list of members.
Amel Ahmed specializes in the history of democracy in the 19th and early 20th centuries, focusing on the origins of electoral institutions. She received her PhD from the University of Pennsylvania in 2006 and is currently an assistant professor of political science at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Her book, Democracy and the Politics of Electoral System Choice: Engineering Electoral Dominance (Forthcoming with Cambridge University Press) investigates the determinants of institutional choice in early democracies. Other interests include historical methods, political economy, and democratic theory.
e-mail: aahmed@polsci.umass.edu
website: http://polsci.umass.edu/profiles/ahmed_amel
Şener Aktürk received both his B.A. (double major in Political Science and International Studies) and his first M.A. (Committee of International Relations) from the University of Chicago (1999-2003). He then completed his second M.A. and his Ph.D. in Political Science at the University of California, Berkeley (2003-2009). He was a postdoctoral research fellow at the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies and a visiting lecturer at the Government department at Harvard University (2009-2010). He conducted doctoral research while based in Berlin and Moscow, and studied in Vienna as part of his undergraduate education. After eleven years abroad, he returned to Turkey in 2010 as an Assistant Professor of international relations at Koç University in Istanbul, where he teaches graduate and undergraduate courses on comparative politics, ethnicity and nationalism, post-Communist Russia and Eurasia, and qualitative research methods. His book, Regimes of Ethnicity and Nationhood in Germany, Russia, and Turkey was published by Cambridge University Press in November 2012, and received the 2013 Joseph Rothschild prize.
e-mail: sakturk@ku.edu.tr
website: http://home.ku.edu.tr/~sakturk/
Sheri Berman is interested in both historical and contemporary political development. She received her PhD from Harvard University and currently teaches at Barnard College, Columbia University. She is currently working on a project entitled “Democracy and Dictatorship in Europe: From the Ancien Regime to the Present Day” which investigates the development of different types of political regimes in Europe from the 17th century to the collapse of Communism.
email: sberman@barnard.edu
website: https://sites.google.com/a/barnard.edu/sheri-berman/
Michael Bernhard is the inaugural holder of the Raymond and Miriam Ehrlich Eminent Scholar Chair in Political Science at the University of Florida. His work centers on questions of democratization and development both globally and in the context of Europe. Among the issues that have figured prominently in his research agenda are the role of civil society in democratization, institutional choice in new democracies, the political economy of democratic survival, and the legacy of extreme forms of dictatorship.
e-mail: bernhard@ufl.edu
website: http://users.clas.ufl.edu/bernhard/
Mădălin Blidaru is a PhD student in the Doctoral School of the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest, Romania. He specializes on the foreign policy of the European Union. Mădălin received his BA in International Relations and European Studies from the same university. He holds a MA in Diplomacy and International Negotiations, and in Labour Studies, part of the European Master in Labour Studies. His research interests include international organisations, particularly the European Union, foreign policy, and the International Society. Currently, he is working on a PhD thesis in which he examines the asymmetries in the interregional relations developed by the EU with other regional cooperation and integration organizations.
e-mail: contact@madalinblidaru.ro
website: madalinblidaru.ro
Adam Bilinski received a B.A. in International Relations at the University of Warsaw (Poland) and M.A. in Social Sciences from the University of Chicago. Currently he is a PhD candidate in Political Science at the University of Florida with specialization in comparative politics. His research interests include the problems of survival of democracy, electoral revolutions and democracy promotion. In the European context, he researchers development of democracy in the nineteenth century, in particular, the effect of regime discontinuities on the prospects of democratic survival. He currently works on his dissertation, which evaluates how pre-democratization historical legacies (in the form of regime discontinuities and regime type both in independent states and colonies) conditioned the probability of survival of once-established democracies.
e-mail: abilin@ufl.edu
website: http://florida.academia.edu/AdamBilinski
Deborah Boucoyannis specializes in comparative politics. She is currently working on a book manuscript that examines how liberal regimes emerge and the preconditions to state building and market formation through a comparative study of European cases in the medieval and early modern periods. She also publishes in international relations, especially on the interconnections with political theory and comparative politics, and on the history of political thought, especially of liberalism. She is an Assistant Professor in the Politics Department of the University of Virginia.
e-mail: dab5fw@virginia.edu
website: http://dboucoyannis.weebly.com/
Daniel Brett received his PhD from the University of London in 2013. His thesis, entitled ‘Peasants and Politics: Agrarianism and Rural Transformation in Romania 1918-1947,’ looked at the fate of the Agrarian movement. He is a comparativist interested in Agrarian movements in Europe and Latin America between 1850 and 1950.He is currently an associate lecturer at the Open University in the UK and previously taught at University College London, Indiana University and St Mary’s University College.
e-mail: d.c.brett@open.ac.uk
Katlyn Carter is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Michigan in the Weiser Center for Emerging Democracies. Her work is on the late eighteenth century Atlantic World, particularly political thought and culture during the French revolutionary period. She is currently working on a book manuscript about the theorization and construction of political representation in the 1780s and ‘90s, focusing particularly on the notions of secrecy and transparency as they related to the legitimacy of authority. She is also interested in treating the development of political representation as part of an exchange of ideas and experiences across the Atlantic, examining the revolutionary movements of the late eighteenth century in tandem. Katlyn earned her Ph.D. in history from Princeton University in 2017, before that she earned a B.A. in history from the University of California, Berkeley.
email: katlync@umich.edu
website: https://www.ii.umich.edu/wced/postdoctoral-fellows/2017-18-fellows/katlyn-carter.html
Alexandra Cirone is currently a Fellow in Government at the London School of Economics (LSE). She is also a PhD candidate in political science at Columbia University. She received her MA and MPhil from Columbia University, and her BA from the University of Chicago. Alexandra specializes in comparative politics and quantitative methods with a regional interest in Western Europe. Her research interests include 19th and 20th century party institutionalization in Western Europe, as well as European Union politics and policy. In her doctoral dissertation, she studies historical party formation and institutional design in new democracies, and is currently working on the case of party system development in the French Third Republic (1870-1940).
email: a.e.cirone@lse.ac.uk, aec2165@columbia.edu
website: acirone.com
Pepijn Corduwener is a junior lecturer and PhD Candidate at the Department of History and Art History. He studied European Studies and History at the University of Amsterdam, took a MA degree in Political History at Utrecht University and a MA at the Centre for European Studies at University College London. His research focuses on conflicting conceptions of ‘democracy’ in postwar Western Europe. In a comparative research in which France, Italy and Germany are included, he studies the criticisms that have been aired on the functioning parliamentary democracy in these countries, how these ostensible failures have been accounted for and which alternatives for democratic government have been formulated by politicians, intellectuals, political parties and social movements. The founding of new social and political movements from 1945 until the rise of new populism will be incorporated in this research. This research questions the dominant vision in historiography about the deeply rooted consensus on the meaning of democracy in Western Europe after the experiences of World War II.
e-mail: p.corduwener@uu.nl
Danijela Dolenec works at the University of Zagreb, teaching comparative politics and social science methodology. She is a critical scholar who studies democratisation, sustainability and political economy. She received her master’s degree from the LSE (2005), and her doctorate in political science from the ETH Zürich in Switzerland (2012). Her primary interest in post-socialist democratisation processes evolved during her time at Harvard University as a Fulbright scholar (2007/2008). Danijela’s previous work covers topics such as the marketization of European systems of higher education and the Europeanization of post-socialist party systems. Most recently she has co-authored a study on sustainable development in Croatia (We Need to Change, 2012), while her book Democratic Institutions and Authoritarian Rule in Southeast Europe is forthcoming at ECPR Press in 2013.
e-mail: ddolenec@fpzg.hr
Madeleine Elfenbein is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations at the University of Chicago, where she is writing a dissertation on the Young Ottoman movement of the 1860s and 1870s and its connections to other political movements throughout Europe and the Islamic world. Her research interests include Ottoman intellectual history, Islamic and European political thought, transnational social movements, and race and religion in nineteenth-century Britain, France, and the Ottoman Empire.
email: elfenbein@uchicago.edu
website: maddyelfenbein@wordpress.com
Tiago Fernandes is Assistant professor of political science at Nova University (Lisbon, Portugal). He is working on a book project (“Religious Origins of Civil Society: Western Europe, 1870s–1930s”). He holds a PhD from the European University Institute, Florence (2009) and was a visiting fellow at the Kellogg Institute for International Studies, University of Notre Dame (2009-2011).
e-mail: Tiago.Fernandes@EUI.eu
website: http://www.fcsh.unl.pt/faculdade/docentes/1229
Roberto Foa is a PhD Candidate in Government at Harvard University. He is also a member of the Laboratory for Comparative Social Research at the Higher School of Economics, and a Principle Investigator for the World Values Survey. He studies the political economy of development with a focus on comparative historical research and the origin of states. His current work examines variation in state capacity, and in particular differing patterns of ‘compliance’: why do people in some places obey higher authorities whereas in others they do not? Using experimental, archival and survey data, he shows that areas of high compliance are those in which formerly existing polities engaged in state-building in response to military threats.
e-mail: foa@fas.harvard.edu
website: www.roberto.foa.name
Frieda Fuchs’s main research interests are the origins and development of the early welfare state; the birth of the modern state; democratization in comparative perspective; comparative political regimes; religion and politics. She is currently working on a book manuscript that examines, based on extensive archival research, the development of protective labor policies (e.g., child labor laws, industrial safety and worker’s compensation) in 19th-century Britain and France, with a special emphasis on regulatory agencies (the labor inspectorate). Fuchs has published in Theory and Society and Politics & Society. She is currently a research affiliate and visiting assistant professor at Oberlin College’s Politics department.
website: http://new.oberlin.edu/arts-and-sciences/departments/politics/faculty_detail.dot?id=3765293
Dorit Geva is Associate Professor of Sociology at Central European University. Her work encompasses the fields of political sociology, the sociology of sex and gender, and comparative and historical sociology. Whether investigating the politics of military conscription, contemporary right-wing movements, or the nature of populism, her research interrogates how family and gender politics shape modern policy and politics. This approach informed her first book comparing the politics of military service in France and the United States. Her current research follows the gender politics of right-wing parties and movements in France, and in Europe at large.
e-mail: gevad@ceu.hu
website: www.geva.ca
Alina Hogea is a Ph.D. candidate in Media and Communication at Temple University in Philadelphia. She holds an M.A. in Media Studies from the New School, New York, and a B.A. in Journalism from University of Bucharest. Her research interests include politics of memory, collective identity, media development, and post-communist transformations. In her current work she focuses on the processing of the communist past in news media and politics in post-communist Romania.
e-mail: Alina.Hogea@Temple.edu
Dr Hans Keman holds since 1990 the Chair in Comparative Political Science at the VU University in Amsterdam. He was educated in Amsterdam and Leiden (where he obtained his PhD-degree in 1988). Apart from the VU University he has held posts at the University of Amsterdam and Leiden. In addition he has been Research Fellow at the Australian National University, State University of New York (Binghamton), European University Institute (Florence), Essex University (England) and the Science Centre (Berlin). Further he served as Editor-in-Chief of the European Journal of Political Research as well as of Acta Politica. Hans Keman has specialized in Comparative Politics & History and its Methods. He published and edited around 18 books and over 120 (refereed) articles and chapters. At the moment he is preparing a comparative historical account of Social Democracy and a book on the legitimacy of the contemporary state.
e-mail: hans.keman@vu.nl
Erika Harris is a Professorof Politicsat the University of Liverpool (UK), and director of Europe and the World Centre. Her research focuses on the role of nationalism in democratisation processes generally and specifically in Eastern and Central Europe, post-Soviet space and the Balkans. Within this general area, her research increasingly explores the impact of ethnicity on politics within and between states, and on identity construction in contemporary European states. She is the author of Nationalism Theories and Cases (Edinburgh University Press 2009), Democracy in the New Europe (with C. Lord, Palgrave 2006) and Nationalism and Democratisation Politics of Slovakia and Slovenia (Ashgate 2002) and various chapters in edited volumes. She has published articles in Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, Europe- Asia Studies, Eastern European Politics, Comparative European Politics, Nations and Nationalism, and she is a frequent contributor to Slovak and international media.
e-mail: e.harris@liverpool.a.uk
website: https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/politics/staff/erika-harris/
Michael D. Kennedy (@Prof_Kennedy) is professor of sociology and international studies at Brown University. Throughout his career, Kennedy has addressed East European social movements, national identifications, and systemic change. For the last 15 years, he also has worked in the sociology of public knowledge, global transformations, and cultural politics, focusing most recently on the European Union, energy security, universities and social movements. His book, Globalizing Knowledge: Intellectuals, Universities, and Publics in Transformation, is forthcoming from Stanford University Press. Kennedy was the University of Michigan’s first vice provost for international affairs in addition to being director of five centers and programs at UM; he also served as the Howard R. Swearer Director of the Watson Institute for International Studies. Kennedy is presently a member of the Executive Committee and Board of Directors at the Social Science Research Council.
website: http://watson.brown.edu/people/faculty/kennedy
Guy Lanoue (Ph.D., U. of Toronto, 1984) worked on the cultural dynamics of violence among a Northwestern Dene (Athapascan) people of northern British Columbia, Canada, in the 1980s. Between 1987 and 1993 he taught in Lecce, Chieti (Pescara) and Rome. After researching notions of myth and community among the Dene, in the late 1990s he began research on Abruzzese peasants, who were long used to reconciling local notions of community with ‘foreign’ notions vectored by formal State ideologies. In the 1990s, this led to research in Rome on the old Roman bourgeoisie, people who self-identify as being the descendants of the ‘bourgeoisie’ of pre-Unification (Papal) Rome. The absence of the normal bases of bourgeois status and power (the industrial and financial sectors were and are relatively underdeveloped in Papal and in contemporary Rome) led to analyses on how values attach to place, how they influence notions of moral and cultural power, and, more importantly, how (and why) they are acknowledged by others who do not have direct access to this source of personal capital. Since 1994, he has taught at the University of Montreal.
e-mail: guy.lanoue@umontreal.ca
website: http://www.mapageweb.umontreal.ca/lanoueg/LANOUE/website/main.htm
Peter Moloney studies the evolution of modern international governance, focusing on the European Union and its forerunner, the European Economic Community (EEC). His dissertation, entitled, “From Common Market to European Union: Creating a New Model State?” explores the dramatic transformation of the EEC from a limited common market to a broad, state-like, political authority at home and influential economic and diplomatic force abroad. He is currently pursuing a postdoctoral fellowship at Boston College History Department and teaching core courses in Early Modern & Modern Globalization.
e-mail: peter.moloney.3@bc.edu
Aurelian Muntean has a PhD. in sociology from SNSPA Bucharest and is Assistant Professor of Political Science and Sociology at the National School of Political Studies and Public Administration in Bucharest. His research interests range from electoral studies, political parties, political clientelism and legislative-executive relations, to labor relations and church-state relations. He was a Fulbright Senior Scholar at Columbia University, East European Scholar at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington D.C, and International Policy Fellow at the Open Society Institute Budapest. and has published in Electoral Studies, Social Change Review, Romanian Journal of Society and Politics, Journal for the Study of Religion and Ideologies, and chapters in various edited volumes.
website: http://politice.ro/aurelian_muntean
Harris Mylonas‘ (Chair) research contributes to our understanding of states’ management of diversity that may originate from national minorities, immigrants, diasporas, or refugees. His work emphasizes and explores the importance of international security considerations in domestic policy-making. His book, The Politics of Nation-Building: Making Co-Nationals, Refugees, and Minorities (Cambridge University Press, 2013), won the 2014 European Studies Book Award by the Council for European Studies and The Peter Katzenstein Book Prize in 2013. His work has been published in the American Review of Political Science, Comparative Political Studies, Security Studies, Perspectives on Politics, European Journal of Political Research, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Nations and Nationalism, Social Science Quarterly, Ethnopolitics, and Territory, Politics, Governance as well as various edited volumes. Mylonas is Associate Professor of Political Science and International Affairs at George Washington University and the editor-in-chief of Nationalities Papers, a peer-reviewed journal published by Cambridge University Press. Mylonas received his Ph.D. in political science from Yale University, his MA in Political Science from the University of Chicago, and completed his undergraduate degree at the Department of Political Science and Public Administration at the University of Athens, Greece. In 2008-2009 and 2011-2012 academic years he was an Academy Scholar at the Harvard Academy for International and Area Studies. He served as Associate Dean for Research at the Elliott School of International Affairs (2017-2018).
e-mail: mylonas@gwu.edu
website: https://harrismylonas.com/
Monika Nalepa (PhD, Columbia University) is associate professor of political science at the University of Chicago. With a focus on post-communist Europe, her research interests include transitional justice, parties and legislatures, and game-theoretic approaches to comparative politics. Her first book, Skeletons in the Closet: Transitional Justice in Post-Communist Europe was published in the Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics Series and received the Best Book award from the Comparative Democratization section of the APSA and the Leon Epstein Outstanding Book Award from the Political Organizations and Parties section of the APSA. She has published her research in the Journal of Comparative Politics, World Politics, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Journal of Theoretical Politics, and Decyzje. Her next book manuscript, Parties Ascendant, examines the development of programmatic parties in new democracies with a special focus on legislative institutions.
e-mail: mnalepa@uchicago.edu
website: http://political-science.uchicago.edu/people/faculty/nalepa.shtml
Blaise Nkfunkoh Ndamnsah is a second year PhD candidate in Defence studies at the University of Ljubljana and his research interest is Cultural awareness training tools for peacekeeping missions to the UN, EU and NATO: A critical analysis of UN- MINUSCA-CAR, EUTM Somalia and Nato’s Counter-piracy off the Horn of Africa. He works as a train Cultural Mediator at the CARA Refugee Center Gorizia-Italy. As a volunteer, he teaches English language and Geopolitics at the University of the third age in Gorizia- Italy (Università della terza età di Gorizia), and he is a co-founder and Vice President to the Security and Defence Research Center (www.sdrc-go.org).
e-mail: ndamnsah_blaise@sdrc-go.org
website: http://www.sdrc-go.org/biografy-blais.php
Blaise Nkfunkoh Ndamnsah is a second year PhD candidate in Defence studies at the University of Ljubljana and his research interest is Cultural awareness training tools for peacekeeping missions to the UN, EU and NATO: A critical analysis of UN- MINUSCA-CAR, EUTM Somalia and Nato’s Counter-piracy off the Horn of Africa. He works as a train Cultural Mediator at the CARA Refugee Center Gorizia-Italy. As a volunteer, he teaches English language and Geopolitics at the University of the third age in Gorizia- Italy (Università della terza età di Gorizia), and he is a co-founder and Vice President to the Security and Defence Research Center (www.sdrc-go.org).
e-mail: ndamnsah_blaise@sdrc-go.org
website: http://www.sdrc-go.org/biografy-blais.php
Isabel M. Perera is an Assistant Professor of Government at Cornell University. Her research, which earned the John Heinz Award from the National Academy of Social Insurance, examines the welfare state in comparative and historical perspective. Prior to joining Cornell, she was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine (2018-2020), Queen Elizabeth Fellow at the University of Oxford (2016-2017), and Chateaubriand Fellow at Sciences Po Paris (2015-2016). She holds a doctorate from Penn and an undergraduate degree from Johns Hopkins.
e-mail: isabel.m.perera@cornell.edu
website: https://www.isabelmperera.com/
Rajesh Sampath is the Assistant Professor of the Philosophy of Justice, Rights and Social Change and teaches in the Graduate Programs in Sustainable International Development at the Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University. His current teaching and research interests and disciplinary expertise include the following: twentieth century Anglo-American and European moral and political philosophy, theories of modernization and social-historical change, epistemology and the sociology of knowledge in comparative religious studies. Teaching interests include the Anglo-American, European and Global South traditions of philosophical ethics and theories of justice when applied to sustainable development issues.
e-mail: rsampath@brandeis.edu
website: http://heller.brandeis.edu/facultyguide/person.html?emplid=4489d4ddaae9027bfc7df24a0229ace518f853b2
Rudra Sil holds a Ph.D. from Berkeley (1996) and is Professor of Political Science at the University of Pennsylvania. His interests encompass post-communist Europe (including Russia), Asian studies, comparative labor politics, institutional change and development, comparative-historical methodology, and the philosophy of the social sciences. He is author of Managing “Modernity”: Work, Community, and Authority in Late-Industrializing Japan and Russia (2002) and coauthor, with Peter Katzenstein, of Beyond Paradigms: Analytic Eclecticism in the Study of World Politics (2010). He has coedited several anthologies, including The Politics of Labor in a Global Age (2001); World Order After Leninism (2006) and Reconfiguring Institutions Across Time and Space (2007). His articles have appeared in such journals as Perspectives on Politics, Journal of Theoretical Politics, Studies in Comparative International Development, Europe-Asia Studies, Polity, and Post-Soviet Affairs. His current book project, tentatively titled Pathways of the Postcommunist Proletariat, analyzes the evolution of labor politics in Russia and East-Central Europe.
e-mail: rudysil@sas.upenn.edu
website: http://www.sas.upenn.edu/polisci/people/standing-faculty/rudra-sil
Dimitri A. Sotiropoulos is a is a political sociologist/political scientist who has the following research interests: civil society in Greece and in the post-communist South-Eastern Europe; state bureaucracy and political parties in Greece and in Southern Europe; the development of the Greek welfare state; democratization in post-communist South-Eastern Europe; the welfare state and public administration in South-Eastern Europe; and higher education reform in the EU and Greece. He is associate professor of political science at the Department of Political Science and Public Administration of the University of Athens, Greece.
e-mail: dsotirop@hol.gr
website: http://dimitrissotiropoulos.wordpress.com/
Imre Szabo is a PhD student in political science at Central European University, Budapest. He writes his dissertation on the bargaining power of healthcare and education employees in East Central Europe.The broader implications of his research concern the historical relationship between states, employees in strategic sectors, and the political left/labor movement.
e-mail: szabo_imre-gergely@ceu-budapest.edu
Maxim Tabachnik is a Ph D student in the Department of Politics at the University of California, Santa Cruz. He received his MA in Political Science from Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona and his BA in the same field from Duke University. He also has an International MBA from York University in Toronto. Maxim is interested in nationalism, national identity, citizenship, ethnic/civic identity, liberal theory and minority rights in a cross-disciplinary approach between comparative politics, political theory, IR and history. While his area of expertise is Western and Southern Europe, he is also working on post-Soviet space, especially Central Asia. Maxim speaks Russian as well as most Romance languages.
e-mail: mtabatch@ucsc.edu
Philipp Trein is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Lausanne in Switzerland. He holds an M.A. in Political Science and History from the University of Heidelberg. His dissertation project is part of the research project “Multi-level governance in Health Policy,” which is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation. In addition, he has recently published on dynamics of fiscal federalism during the global financial and economic crisis. His research interests include comparative health policy, federalism, fiscal policy and economic voting.
e-mail: josephphilipp.trein@unil.ch
Daniel Vázquez received a B.A in Journalism from the University Complutense of Madrid. He specializes in German Romanticism and German Idealism. Currently he is developing a research project on poetic and philosophical thinking from Novalis.
Yasir Yilmaz holds a B.A. in Public Finance from Gazi University (Ankara, Turkey). He received an M.A. in History from Bilkent University (Ankara, Turkey) and expects a PhD in History from Purdue University (West Lafayette, IN) in September, 2015. His dissertation, entitled “The Grand Vizier’s Way: decision-making and statecraft in the early modern Ottoman Empire, the times of Grand Vizier Kara Mustafa Pasha (1676-1683),” is based on more than a year-long research at the imperial archives in Vienna and Istanbul and pioneers comparative use of early modern Austrian and Ottoman Turkish documents in a monograph-length study. Yilmaz has formerly taught at Purdue University and Franklin College (Franklin, IN). In 2015-2016 academic year, Yilmaz will teach European and world history classes at Ipek University (Ankara, Turkey).
e-mail: yasiryilmaz1@gmail.com
Christina Zuber teaches at the Department of Politics and Public Administration at the University of Konstanz, Germany. She is interested in the role of social identities in electoral competition and political representation in both historical and contemporary settings, with a particular focus on Southern and Eastern Europe. She studied Political Science, Slavic Languages and Philosophy at the University of Cologne, where she also received her doctorate. Before joining the University of Konstanz she held positions at Pompeu Fabra University, and the Universities of Bremen and Zurich.
e-mail: Christina.zuber@uni.konstanz.de
website: www.christinazuber.com