
To join this network, click here. Note: All Memberships in CES Research Networks are open for CES individual members in good standing.

The Immigration Research Network aims to draw together scholars and graduate students from a variety of countries and disciplines to foster research around themes of migration, immigrant integration, majority-minority relations, pluralism and multiculturalism, discrimination, equality, and the political, social, and individual responses to migration. While most of its activities center around European countries or Europe as a region, given the nature of its core themes the IRG also encourages research that situates Europe in an international, trans-Atlantic, or transnational context.

The principal goals of the Immigration Research Group include: building networks of scholars to encourage conference panels and small-scale collaborative work that enhance participants’ understanding of a particular theme; sponsoring workshops on topics of interest to members that lead to joint publications; mentoring graduate students by connecting them to scholars in their substantive area who are not at their home research institutions; and encouraging mutually beneficial connections between scholars and policymakers. 


Vice Chairs: 

  • Jan Willem Duyvendak, University of Amsterdam
  • Rahsaan Maxwell, University of Massachusetts

Former Chairs

  • Özgür Özvatan, HU Berlin,
  • Nicole Doerr, University of Copenhagen
  • Anna Korteweg, University of Toronto
  • Jennifer Elrick, McGill University,
  • Oliver Schmidtke, University of Victoria,
  • Andrew Geddes, University of Sheffield                            
  • Erik Bleich, Middlebury College
  • John Bowen, Washington University of St. Louis
  • Fiona Adamson, SOAS 

  Network On-Line Coordinators:   

  • Janna Bray
  • Alex Street

Network Resources

Immigration Research Network Members Join the Immigration Network Listserv for up-to-date information about network activities and opportunities.


Congratulations to the 2019 IRN Best Paper Prize winner: “What Drives the Immigration-Welfare Policy Link? Comparing Germany, France and the United Kingdom” by Mike Slaven (University of Lincoln, UK); Sara Casella Colombeau (EHESS/CNRS, French Collaborative Institute on Migration, France); Elisabeth Badenhoop (Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Gӧttingen, Germany).

This award is sponsored by Comparative Migration Studies.