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Click here to view the Race and Racism in Europe Research Network Constitution.
Since the 1980s, there has been a growing literature on the subject of race and racism in Europe, including scholarship by Stuart Hall, Paul Gilroy, David Theo Goldberg, Philomena Essed, Trica Danielle Keaton, Neil MacMaster, Pap Ndiaye, Erik Bleich, Tyler Stovall, Gloria Wekker, Terri Givens, Fatima El-Tayeb, and Stephen Small. This literature has opened up topics and approaches such as: cultural studies; racial formation as a historically and geographically embedded process; race, empire, and colonialism; European-specific articulations and manifestations of racism; everyday racism; intersectional oppression; and racial capitalism.
With this research network, we aim to clearly delineate our analytical work on race and racism from the social and political repertoires we study. Race is a social construct to be interrogated; the existence of racism in Europe is but the starting point for an analysis of its material and ideological structure, its social embeddedness, its various articulations, and its impact on lived experiences.
Commitment to engaged scholarship on race and racism in Europe
The Research Network on Race and Racism in Europe rejects the premise that scientific rigor is only obtained through neutrality. The Research Network welcomes research agendas that marry scientific rigor with a normative commitment to identify, interrogate, and oppose racism.
The network seeks to be genuinely interdisciplinary in nature, drawing upon insights provided by various disciplines including political science, sociology, law, history, anthropology, geography, and economics.
It supports productive, constructive dialogue across methodological approaches. This sensitivity to the diversity of approaches used to better understand race and racism in Europe is nevertheless paired with the expectation that scholarship approach race as the social construct it is.
- Jean Beaman, The Graduate Center, City University of New York
Advisory Board Members:
- Saskia Bonjour, University of Amsterdam
- Audrey Celestine, University of Lille
Photo: Raise Up, 2014 © Hank Willis Thomas. Courtesy of the artist and Jack Shainman Gallery, New York