Dear CES Members,
To mark the 50th Anniversary of the Council for European Studies, CES commissioned a special collection of essays to catalyze discussions about the past, present, and future of Europe. This volume, edited by our own Erik Jones of Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, features concise contributions about a range of topics from some of the most well-established members of our organization and from some of the newest, and was planned for release during our conference in June.
We will meet next in 2021, but we want to make this book accessible this summer. We also want to ensure that a maximum number among us will be able to participate next year. It is undeniable that the financial strains accompanying the current crisis will make it difficult for many CES members to attend conferences in the coming year or more. The Executive Committee recently established the CES 50th Anniversary Access Fund, which is designed to enable participation by members from under-represented categories or those facing significant financial constraints. It will be vital to have as much money in this Fund as possible to support our members in the coming year.
To help graduate students, junior scholars, and scholars from resource-constrained institutions to participate in the 2021 conference, would you please consider donating to the 50th Anniversary Access Fund today? We hope that you will be able to support this fund with a contribution of $50, $150, or $250, though all contributions are warmly welcomed and greatly appreciated. A selection process established by the Executive Committee will oversee distribution of these funds to our members.
In recognition of and in gratitude for a donation of any amount, we will send you a copy of the 50th Anniversary edited volume for free. If you are able to contribute $150 or more, we will send you two copies of the book, and for those contributing $250 or more, we will send three copies. We thank Agenda Publishing for producing this high quality volume and the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies in Bologna, Italy for helping us distribute it. More information about the book European Studies: Past, Present, and Future can be found here. Authors include Michèle Lamont, Peter Hall, Cathie Jo Martin, Jan Willem Duyvendak, Sheri Berman, John Bowen, among many others.
It is vital to us that scholars studying Europe remain engaged in a conversation that crosses the Atlantic, and that reaches other parts of the globe as well. We deeply regret that we aren’t able to discuss Europe together with you this June. Our responsibility now is to ensure that conversation takes place next year with as many of us participating as possible. We hope you will support us in that mission.
You can make a donation to the Council for European Studies 50th Anniversary Access Fund and let us know your preferred mailing address by following this link.
Thank you for supporting CES and your fellow members. We look forward to another 50 years working together with you to understand Europe, and to sharing our collective knowledge with students, colleagues, and the wider public.
Erik Bleich
Executive Committee Chair