Radicalism and Violence

To join this network, click here. Note: All Memberships in CES Research Networks are open for CES individual members in good standing.

This research network brings together a range of disciplinary scholars who work on radicalism and violence in Europe and beyond. The network includes scholars from sociology, political science, history, media studies, public policy, education, geography and psychology, among others, using a range of methodological approaches and working in diverse national contexts. Thematic areas of focus include, but are not limited to: continuity and change across radical and “extremist” political parties, movements and subcultures; youth engagement in radicalism and violence; the relationship between “radicalism” and “violence;” radicalism and violence in comparative perspectives; media and violence; and state and non-state actor constructions of and responses to radicalism and violence.



Click here for the Winter 2022 Newsletter

Network Announcements

Call for nominations, Best Paper Prize (2025)

The Radicalism and Violence research network of the Council for European Studies is seeking nominations for the Early Career Researcher Best Paper Prize.  

We invite self-nominations for this prize. To be considered, the nominee must: 

  • Be a Ph.D. candidate or have received their Ph.D. within five years (i.e., no earlier than May 2020), and 
  • Be a member of the Radicalism and Violence research network at the time of submission. 
  • Co-authored papers are welcome as long as the first authors meet these submission criteria. 

Additionally, papers submitted for this prize must: 

  • Be a completed draft (papers in progress are welcome, but papers with incomplete sections should be saved for submission in the following cycle); 
  • Be written in English; 
  • Include a specific statement that indicates the paper’s contribution to existing research related to the Radicalism and Violence network; and 
  • Not be accepted for publication at the time of submission (papers that have not yet been submitted or have not yet been accepted are eligible for this prize). 

Competitive papers will: 

  • Include an explicit statement of the paper’s contribution and how this contribution fits with the Radicalism and Violence network; 
  • Include an explicit research question, plan of action, or agenda that guides the paper;  
  • Be understandable by a diverse audience (as the Radicalism and Violence network contains scholars from a wide range of disciplines, regions of focus, and topics of focus); and 
  • Include an explicit statement about the data and methods used (if applicable). 

We particularly encourage submissions from underrepresented groups. 

The winning paper will receive a $200 prize.  
 The deadline for submissions is May 15, 2025. The winner will be announced during the Radicalism & Violence network meeting at the CES conference in June 2025. 

Questions can be sent to Dr. Mia Bloom at mbloom3@gsu.edu 

2022 Best Paper Prize

The Radicalism and Violence research network of the Council for European Studies is seeking nominations for the Early Career Researcher Best Paper Prize. We invite self-nominations for this prize.

To be considered, the nominee must:

  • Be a Ph.D. candidate or have received their Ph.D. within five years (i.e., no earlier than May 2017), and
  • Be a member of the Radicalism and Violence research network at the time of submission.
  • Co-authored papers are welcome as long as all authors meet these submission criteria.

Additionally, papers submitted for this prize must:

  • Be a completed draft (papers in progress are welcome, but papers with incomplete sections should be saved for submission in the following cycle);
  • Be written in English;
  • Include a specific statement that indicates the paper’s contribution to existing research related to the Radicalism and Violence network; and
  • Not be accepted (or conditionally accepted) for publication at the time of submission (papers that have not yet been submitted or have not yet been accepted are eligible for this prize).

Competitive papers will:

  • Include an explicit statement of the paper’s contribution and how this contribution fits with the Radicalism and Violence network;
  • Include an explicit research question, plan of action, or agenda that guides the paper; 
  • Be understandable by a diverse audience (as the Radicalism and Violence network contains scholars from a wide range of disciplines, regions of focus, and topics of focus); and
  • Include an explicit statement about the data and methods used (if applicable).

We particularly encourage submissions from underrepresented groups.

The deadline for submissions is May 1, 2022. The winner will be announced during the Radicalism & Violence network meeting at the CES conference in June 2022.

Questions can be sent to Sam Jackson (sdjackson@albany.edu).