31st International Conference of Europeanists
June 25-27, 2025, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Registration is now open for the 2025 Conference in Philadelphia: “Legacies and Ruptures: Making Sense of Europe.” Early bird registration rates will be available until April 10, 2025. 


First Article Prize 

The European Studies First Article Prize honors the writers of the best first articles on European studies published within a one-year period and will be awarded to two scholars, one working in the humanities and one in the social sciences.

A multi-disciplinary First Article Prize Committee appointed by CES will choose the winners. Each prize winner will receive $250 and public recognition on CES’ website and publications.

More information here.

Undergraduate Paper Prize

The Undergraduate Paper Prize is given for the best research paper written in English on any subject in European Studies as a part of an undergraduate university degree program. Designed to encourage interest and collaborative interdisciplinary work in the field of European Studies, projects that incorporate another discipline are strongly recommended.

Two selections will be awarded $250. Each winner will be invited to present their work at the next CES conference and receive free attendance.  

SAE-CES Pre-Dissertation Fellowship 

The Society for the Anthropology of Europe (SAE) and the Council for European Studies (CES) invite eligible graduate students with a focus on European Anthropology to apply for the 2025 Anthropology of Europe Pre-Dissertation Fellowship.

Each fellowship includes a $5,000 stipend to fund two months’ research in Europe, and travel support as well as a registration fee waiver for attending and presenting at the International Conference of Europeanists in 2026. 

More information here.

Read about past winner Phoebe Whitehouse’s research.

The Radicalism and Violence research network of the Council for European Studies is seeking nominations for the Early Career Researcher Best Paper Prize

The winning paper will receive a $200 prize.

The deadline for submissions is May 15, 2025. The winner will be announced during the Radicalism & Violence network meeting at the CES conference in June 2025.

Questions can be sent to Dr. Mia Bloom at mbloom3@gsu.edu

For more information about eligibility, please see here.


The mission of the Council for European Studies (CES) is to produce, support, and recognize outstanding, multi-disciplinary research on Europe through a wide range of programs and initiatives.

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Being a Member of the Council for European Studies (CES) is testament to one’s professional dedication to the study of Europe and provides an unparalleled opportunity to support and influence the future of the field.

CES offers membership to both individuals and institutions. Membership includes many benefits such as eligibility for grants and awards, publication access, research resources, and more.

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